5 Benefits of Portable Site Toilets

When making arrangements for a new construction project, it can be so easy to overlook one of the most important facilities that will be required for workers. Yup, we’re talking about portable site toilets.

If you are on a construction site, it’s highly unlikely that you will have access to the luxury of a fully plumbed toilet. So, without a portable site toilet, you would be facing a real (dare we say?) sh**ty problem.

But, besides the obvious, there are also some other benefits of having a portable site toilet on a construction site. We’ve listed our favourite top five benefits below:

1. Portable Site Toilets Help You To Follow the Law

This one is kind of a big dealio. Industry regulations across Australia state that if access to permanent toilets is not available on a worksite, then portable site toilets MUST be provided. And in most cases (depending on what state you’re in), you’ll need to provide at least one portaloo for every 15 workers. So, if you know you’ve got a job coming up, make sure you do the right thing by organising the right amount of portable site toilets.

2. Portable Site Toilets Help to Increase Productivity Levels

Yep, it’s true! By providing portable site toilets on the job site, you eliminate the need for unnecessary travel time trying to find the nearest loo. Employees can walk right up to the portable site toilet, do their business and be back on the job within minutes (…depending of course on what they’ve had for lunch!).

3. Portable Site Toilets Help To Ensure Proper Hygiene & Sanitation on Site

Besides having a place to drop the kids off at the pool, portable site toilets have a range of other features to help keep hygiene levels high. If workers don’t have access to taps and running water, they’ll be able to use the freshwater and the sink within the portable site toilet to wash their hands. Most portable site toilets also have liquid hand soap dispensers or sanitiser dispensers to help keep the germs away.

4. Portable Site Toilets Help to Protects Client Privacy

If you’re working on a residential property, you probably want to avoid the awkward conversation of asking the client to use their bathroom regularly. Providing your own portable site toilet prevents any unnecessary stress and hassle for your clients, plus they won’t have to smell those bowel-movement odours!

5. Portable Site Toilets Help to Keep the Planet Healthy

This one is just a feel-good reason to use portable site toilets on your job site. Not only do they use less water for flushing than a regular bathroom, so you’ll be helping to conserve water; but they also take up very little space. This means they have minimal impact on the earth and as an added bonus, they’re a fantastic reusable item! You can use the same portable site toilet for multiple projects, helping to reduce your carbon footprint.

So, there you have it! While portable site toilets may not be as luxurious as a fully plumbed toilet, they’re a solid #2 option for when you need toilets for a construction project. And, as you can see from above, they have so many poo-werful benefits!

For all of your portable site toilet needs, contact Australian Portable Toilets on 1800 POO WEE or request a quote here.